My company started off in one country - Australia. And so we published to a address. We have since gone global so we now have a .com. Currently our website is being published to both - the identical content, just by using Webflow’s publish feature.
We know this is hurting our SEO, so we want to remove the and just park the whole site on one domain - the .com - going forward.
What’s the best way to do this? I read I needed to do 301 redirects - but not sure how that would work in this case.
In your case you give to both domains same content (So its not really international SEO) - but if you set this by google console its OK (You will not receive a warning about duplicate content).
I think the path I will take is to use subdirectories
Therefore will make the .com our default domain
However, I’m still a little bit confused about what to do with our domain. Do I continue to keep it published in my Webflow project, with Webflow just redirecting everything to the .com, the new default? Australian visitors would then be funneled to .com/au?
Or do build a new website on the .com and 301 redirect everything to the .com?