Help Please: Applying different CMS filters to same instance of a component without unlinking

Hi there, new to Webflow, hoping someone can help.

TLDR: I want to display different FAQs from my CMS into my FAQ component on different pages.

I have set up a CMS Collection for my FAQs with category/product tags depending on what the FAQ relates to.
I have a master FAQ page which displays all my FAQs but I want to display the top 5 questions for each product/feature at the bottom of the relevant page.
I have created an FAQ component which I have added to each page. I have linked this to my FAQ collection, but I cant work out how to apply different filters to each instance of this component (without unlinking the component, as I will update styling add interactions later) If I apply a filter via custom attributes, on one page then it pulls through to all instances on all pages. Can I stop this?

I think I understand what you’re trying to do.

If the collection list is inside of your component than unfortunately you’re currently unable to bind sorting, filtering, limit, etc. settings to component properties. That means that whatever you have as settings on that collection list are fixed, and will apply to all instances of the component.

A better way is to split it up- Make an individual FAQ a component, and put that inside of a collection list that is filtered however you like.

You could also take it a step further and use the new component slots feature, and have 3 components;

FAQ component
    FAQ collection list component w/ situation-specific filter settings
        FAW item component

This is also not ideal as you can only slot other components, which means that you still need a variant of every collection list filtering scenario as a distinct component. But it does make standardization of the FAQ and item much more central.

Thank you, Frustrating that I cant apply filtering to different instances of a component but hopefully they resolve that in the future.

Thank you for the work arounds