Google MAP API key error

Im trying to add a google map to a contacts page but I get an error on the google mapwhen publishing the site. I already got an API key and the proper option in the library in the Google cloud platform. Any ideas??

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hello @jtorr19,

Did you enable billing on your google cloud account? like, did you store your credit card information? Maybe your initial credit was used up and now you have to enter the informations again.

Good morning, I have not enabled billing. Im not sure how it enirley works but I know there’s a $200 credit per month. Im wondering though if I have X amount of client that need a google map, Im going to go banckrupt or are there different api keys per project? I know elfsight provide a google map embed for a low cost. Any ideas???

Hello @jtorr19, I know there is a way to store multiple credit cards for each project. I think that way you can bill each client for the use of google maps? this link might be helpful How to create and attach a billing account to a Google Cloud Platform project - YouTube

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