Google Analytics isn't tracking

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to setup a simple G analytics on but it doesn’t seem to work. I followed this tutorial and tested with this guide

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?


First thing, make sure you have successfully clicked on VERIFY on Google’s end.

Also be sure to have added the site to the search console

Thanks @vincent

“VERIFY on Google’s end” - I created an account and received an ID. Does that mean it’s verified?

I did add my site to the search console as well.

Once everything added on webflow’s end, there is a VERIFY red button to press at Google’s somewhere. Before that button pressed once, it doesn’t track anything.

I can’t see any VERIFY button on Google Analytics. Do you have a screenshot maybe?

When you setup a site in Google Webmaster tools search console, you will be brought to this screen:

Thanks @samliew it worked out eventually. I think it was my hosting service that didn’t update, so I didn’t see the results instantly - it took about 4 hours :confused:

Might be wise to add a note on the Analytics page that changes might take a couple of hours based on hosting provider.