Ghost Grid column while trying to make responsive

I have created a 3 column grid and on website view I have stretched content across the whole page. In other rows, I have 3 columns.

When I move to landscape mobile view I want to delete one column of the grid (just like in the Webflow videos). When I try to delete it, I always get a “ghost” column instead of the 2 columns (and re-flow of content) that I am looking for.

I’m guessing that there is content or some setting in the 3rd column, which is stopping it from being deleted.

Any ideas?

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

When in mobile view, squeeze the upper two rows into two columns, this should get rid of the extra column

Brilliant. That’s the bit I didn’t get. If you have content spread over more columns, the column CAN’T be deleted. Squeeze it back into the one column, and things work just great. Thanks for your time!

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Hi there, im just searching for an advice in the same problem… i cannot remove “gost colums” trying to make my design responsive… Please would you have a quick look on the problem:
Thanks so mutch in advance!