Foxy + Webflow : Facebook API / Language / Direct checkout

[modified post]

I’ve modified my previous message : deletted 2 out of 3 issues that was very basic. It was a mistake on my side dealing with different stores in Foxy and not looking at the correct one.

Still, I have a question regarding the set up of a Facebook conversion API with Foxy :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I hope you are doing well.

I am currently in the set up phase of a Webflow + Foxy Ecommerce website and got a few questions/issues. I’ve raised a ticket to Foxy but give a chance here also if some of you faced the same situation as I do and can help me.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

  1. Set of Facebook conversion
  • I’ve seen the documentation to set up browser-side facebook event conversion. However, after IOS changes, to be correctly measured by facebook, events fired by pixels needs to be hosted on a verified and owned domain (ex: but foxy’s cart are hosted on its domain (
  • A solution is to use the Facebook conversion API (I prefere this one rather use a custom domain). Does someone have already set up it? Said differently, Is it possible to send webhook from Foxy triggered by events such as add to cart, add payment info, purchase, etc. ?

Thank’s a lot.

Did you get a response from Foxy? I am looking into this as well, and I hope it is possible to achieve

@jimrune Feel free to message us details on your specific needs and we’ll do our best to assist.

@pouchok Sorry no one ever responded to this. Did you get your questions answered? Maybe we chatted via email?
