Form submission stopped working with no apprent reason

Form submission doesn’t work on all the site’s forms. I have removed zapier integration, turned off anti-spam and anti-bot, nothing helps.

No hidden fields, captcha on all forms works properly but when pressing the SUBMIT button I get an error message. Apparently form submission is a recurrent issue with Webflow. but I coudn’t find help in the help docs.

It seems that have been missing contacts and newsletter subscriptions for 2 months :( No warning ever received. Plenty of opportunities lost.

Help would be MUCH appreciated ! Eventually I would consider embedding external forms as Webflow forms are not reliable. Suggestions ?

Here is the read-only:

Thank you so much !

Hi there,

Form submission issues can be resolved differently depending on your hosting setup. If your site is hosted with Webflow, please verify these items:

  1. Check under Site settings > Billing that your Site plan is active
  2. Ensure your form notification email is a name-based address (like jane@) rather than role-based (like admin@ or info@)
  3. Review your Form notification settings, save them, and republish your site

If your site is exported for external hosting, Webflow will not process form submissions - you’ll need to use a third-party tool to collect form submissions on the exported site.

Hopefully this helps! If you still need assistance, please reply here so somebody from the community can help.

Which form?