All forms stopped receiving submission and Oops! "Something went wrong while submitting the form. Please refresh the page". keeps appearing, please help

Hi there, I was working on form submission and was receiving data on airtable with the help of zappier. while I was checking one form by uploading file, the above notification popped up. and now every form in the site is not working.
below is my read only link.

Thanks In advance

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If you’ve enabled CAPTCHA, you need to configure it and have a CAPTCHA element on every form that’s handled by Webflow’s forms handler.

You can call Zapier directly using a Webhook if you set it up properly, which bypasses Webflow’s forms handler ( and any spam-blocking risks ).

Beyond that your best bet is Webflow support.

Hi there, sorry for late reply. captcha is not enabled in the form.

I received a form submission this morning and now my form is not working. It has worked perfectly since launch until today.

Did you ever discover what the issue was?