Form error with Formspark

Hello everyone, I wanted to find help here in the forum since Webflow support for this specific case is unable to give me support.

I created a form page and for GDPR reasons I had to use Formspark to handle the submission.

However, this form is random, it gives me an error in sending, sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t. It has been reported to me by my client that many people write on the form but then the error message appears “Oops! Something went wrong”
But every time I try it works for me.

I would like to understand, do you think it is a problem of formspark and botpoison?
Or is it a problem related to the mailserver blocking certain mails, as if it were a spam filter?

Has this happened to anyone on the forum before?

The link of the form is this
Volley Lugano - Iscrizioni allenamenti gratuiti You have to scroll to the bottom of the page.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me, thank you

I have a very similar problem. When I try the form, I always get the message “Oops! Something went wrong”, but two random people have managed to successfully submit forms. I’m not using any spam protection at the moment (I want to eventually but I thought I would get it working with nothing first of all).

Have you had any luck figuring out what’s wrong? I tried to contact Formspark but ironically the form on their contact page isn’t working.