For attribute is not working as expected

Hi, everybody :slightly_smiling_face:

Continuing the discussion from Any way to add the "for" attribute to labels?:


You can still add the for attribute only if you add inputs and labels step by step. Once a form has been copied and modified, the procedure no longer works reliably. Is a short-term fix to this bug planned?

Thank you :pray:

Hi @MariusJurtz,

Thank you so much for continuing this conversation, as it is helpful to keep an eye on fixes as they are completed.

Currently, our engineers were able to complete a fix, as you will note in the following screencapture: Screen Recording 2018-10-30...

If you are experiencing this issue with a previously implemented form: a workaround is to change the name of an input field that is adjacent to a label.

Hopefully, this was helpful :blush: . Feel free to let me know if this is helpful, or if you have any additional questions.

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Awesome, thanks for the update. Now everything works as expected!

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