Facing issue with meta tags on blog post

Hello Webflow Member,

I’m working on a Webflow website and I’m aiming to improve my website’s SEO by adding custom meta tags (meta title and meta description) for each blog post. Currently, the metadata is automatically generated from the content, which is set up in the main blog page template. I need a solution that allows me to assign custom, unique meta tags to each individual blog post. Could you provide guidance on how to achieve this? Thank you.


  • Store whatever meta tag content you want in your CMS collection as plain text fields
  • On your collection page settings, add those fields where you want them e.g. the page title, description, og image
  • Publish and review the HTML so you know what’s there
  • Anything extra you want to add, just add in the HEAD custom code area as raw meta tag constructs, with your embedded fields

Read up in Webflow university on how to use the CMS and Add field in Embeds and custom code areas if this is all new to you. You’ll also find guides on Webflow’s SEO features.

Quick note, Google’s recent changes mean that it will pretty much ignore the META description in favor of whatever its AI generates for the page. Less control for you, more control for Google, less spam overall for SERP users.