Exclude current page for "related projects" collection list

I’m having this issue which was originally described by another user
(original post: How to filter a dynamic list of related pages to exclude the current page?)

I have a collection of Projects. At the bottom of each individual Project page I want to display a grid of “Related Projects”.

I got this working by inserting a dynamic list of “Related Projects” at the bottom of the Projects Template (collection template). This works great, but is there any way to filter the dynamic list to exclude the current page?

Can anyone help please? :upside_down_face:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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Welcome back Chiara, long time no see!

Make a filter that says:

Work is not Current Work


Oh Vincent, you always make it look so easy! :smiley:
That’s exactly what I was after, thanks so much!

Yes, it’s been a while indeed — I got stuck into a never ending contract work with a London agency and did get to play around with Webflow at all :frowning: I see there’s been quite a few cool features released in my absence. I look forward to dig in more in the coming weeks.


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Oh no! I hate when that happens to me.

Indeed, they’re on fire!