Editor: Unable to edit button URL inside component

I am using different components with buttons inside. Changing a link in Editor results in a message “Saved” but no update to the URL is actually made. Trying to check the link setting again crashes the editor (all white screen).

I am confused if this is a bug or something I misunderstand. Am I right that in Editor only URLs of buttons and text links can be changed by the client? Using link blocks won’t let my client change the link – only the text – because it’s task for Designer not Editor?

It would be great if someone might be able to explain this!

Thank you,

@memetican and @Stan – Would you be so kind and have a bit of advice here?

Thank you!

The content editor ( i.e. ?edit on your published site ) is limited and I think it may not support components fully. I haven’t actually used it in awhile.

Editor mode in the designer should be able to configure those things- but you’d generally setup component properties to control what can be edited.

Thank you Michael!

My question is how can clients edit URLs of buttons or link blocks in the content editor (like it’s possible in Editor in the Designer).

It seems in content editor only text links are supported. Is there any workaround?

Best regards

It used to be that all link elements would show a small link icon above and to the right of the link. You could click that to edit it.

Today, I’m not certain if that still exists.