Editor on Mobile

A client of mine wishes to be able to edit her blog website on mobile through the editor. Is this a feature that is still not possible? I have seen it mentioned in a previous forum post last year and wanted to see where it stands. Personally, I would not want to edit any website on a mobile screen but it seems clients feel differently after coming from this capability being offered by Wordpress sites.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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I also can’t understand how webflow still doesn’t have a possibility to blog on mobile. Only solution I see here it to use a different CMS…

I don’t think mobile editing is pretty good. It takes time, attention and effort for this. I faced this when I was preparing my dissertation.

This is so unproductive, did tou tried Phoneflow?

Just turn your phone sideways and you can edit for all platforms

I’m really curious about this as well, so reviving the topic :chart_with_upwards_trend: