I followed these instruction again, Launch your ecommerce store | Webflow University.
Everything checks out as it should. Within my website, the preview mode works. I’ve deleted and readded all the checkout buttons and nothing still doesnt work on a published website. On a actual domain or the webflow.io one. The checkout button, or under ‘grill’ (product page) and the add to cart buttons are broken as well. Same issue, they don’t even register the price change on a variance change.
Here is the current state of the website https://wolfandgrizzly.webflow.io/
and here is the product page in question : https://wolfandgrizzly.webflow.io/product/wg-grill-m1
All the link’s lead to ‘#’ references, aka dead links. But previously, these were working and I cannot recall at all what has been changed between these two days.
On a side note I have two animations on the product page that also worked, and work within the preview page that also suddenly stopped working at the same time of the ecommerce.
These two images are animated by scroll, and are within the preview, but don’t seem to make it to the published page.
Thank for any help.