I would really like basic parity with a Shopify checkout experience, or at least open up the ability to use Stripe Web Elements. Specifically, need payment options that depend on country of user (e.g. Singapore users have their typical payment methods, we’re active there as a company). Would also really like to show different address fields depending on the country. Webflow support said doing this means not using an Ecommerce plan (due to Stripe JS conflict reasons I believe) and building out on own with the Stripe API. Only problem is I do need an Ecommerce plan because we are planning for thousand+ products, so I don’t think I can do a custom checkout without an Ecommerce plan.
I also really just need on Checkout page a couple more Additional Info fields than the 3, in particular a “Company Name” field is a must. I’m already using phone & text area (“notes for order”). I realise I can use a pre-checkout page form and collect whatever I want, but it would be easier for Webflow to add another field or two for use.
I’m considering using Webflow for front end and duplicating all products/images into Shopify and redirecting onto a branded Shopify checkout page, so I can still use all the awesome custom design features of Webflow but still have a world class ecommerce checkout experience. Has anyone tried this?