Dear Webflow community
I would like to know if the following is basically possible with webflow and custom code:
We would like to set up a website with webflow where users go through a quiz and at the end get a DYNAMIC list of results with suggestions based on their answers. To do this, we would need to be able to use a complex filter system to send the CMS a request as to which items from the thousands of CMS items in the database should be displayed. The possible combinations would be almost endless, which is why ready-made pages with filters set by us would not be sufficient. In addition, we don’t want to load all the thousands of items first and then filter them, but would like to send the query first and then only receive the filtered results list.
So my question is: does webflow offer enough access options so that we can enable such requests via the CMS with custom code?
I look forward to your answer and wish you a nice rest of the weekend
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)