Download file after successfully filling out form

Hey guys,

Could anyone help me with the following:

I’d like to build a form where the user enters his name and email address and after hitting send a pdf file immediately starts downloading. Is this possible?


Hey @bennyhagen

You could enter the file download url as the form redirect address on submit.

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Oh, that easy? Ok, cool. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Hi, please bear with my rookie question here… how and where would the name / email be stored? or would I get an email? I was thinking to customize the contact form available from one of the template projects.


The form works the same, so the form results will be captured normally.

Don’t confuse the form’s redirect url settings with the action url setting.

  • Redirect url is where the form will navigate after a successful submission
  • Action url overrides where the form data will be posted to. Left blank, it’s handled normally by Webflow’s own form submission handler.