Does Webflow Support Keywords - Blogs?

Happy new year all!

As the title suggest, does Webflow support Keywords for blogs? I can only pull through Title and Meta Description, is that right?

My client has brought on a SEO on company and they want to add Keywords to the blogs.

Am I being dumb?


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

It’s not built in, because Google ignores it.

But it’s easy to add if you really want to.

  • Create a Keywords text field in the CMS
  • In your template’s before-/head code add your META keywords
  • Where the … is, Add your Keywords field from the CMS
 <meta name="keywords" content="...">

adding <meta name=“keywords” is old. It has no value now. Rather you can add keywords technically inside your content/post.