Does anyone know how to create this interaction in Webflow

I included images to show the interaction. Essentially it is a viewport in where to push images into to better see them. It also allows for tighter sections as you don’t have to have all images full width. It was built in Shopify and as I don’t do coding I’m looking to create it from Webflows interactions. If there are any.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@kObe - do you just mean an image gallery with thumbnails? If that is what you’re referring to check out this tutorial by @samliew

Yes sorry for the confusion. It seems very close to this and possibly just a variation to get to what I’m looking for. Here is a example of what I have in the site currently. I need the assets to be on front face but be selectable to be blown up into the “presenting” slide.
