Disapearing link blocks

On my page certain items disapear while in view mode

Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/cyruss-stunning-project?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=cyruss-stunning-project&preview=f75a2805bda822fcb65e47d42de8f31f&pageId=5d2c68eb99a6904efb36a74f&itemId=5d2c8056b4a76d63c33330ea&mode=preview
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi, @cyrus_scholten :wave:

Micah here with Webflow’s Support team and thanks for posting ab out your items disappearing, as this definitely sounds like odd behavior.

I was able to take a look at your project and the issue may be that the elements do not yet have a set height/width, which you can see here.

You could also use the Image element instead of setting the background image, which you may learn more about in our Webflow University here.

Hopefully, this was helpful :bowing_man:

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