Different font on when showed on mobile / tablets

Hello guys I hope you could help me.

I am making a site for a client. On the frontpage on the slider I have a headline, written with the font IMPACT. It works fine on computers, but when I see the website on a tablet / phone, it’s another font. Is there a way to fix that?


Can you share your public link?

When you uploaded the font file for impact in the dashboard, what type of files did you upload? (number of files and extensions). Where did you find the font files?

Hi @vincent

Thanks for a quick reply.

Here is the public link.

I didn’t upload any files, the font were already inside webflow, if that makes sence

It makes a perfect sense that it’s in webflow and I’ve never noticed it :smiley:

So, Webflow fonts are served by Google Fonts. It’s possible that Google fonts, like Typekit, has hickups and that fonts at a time eren’t served properly. But it shouldn’t be persistent. That said I don’t see impact on my mobile either…

BTW the link you give is only the link to the site. The public link, yougenerate it on your dashboard and it allows us to see inside the webflow project… maybe you did a weird thing with responsivity rules…

Hi again @vincent :smiley:

Ahh sorry. Im new to webflow :smile:

Here you go: Webflow - Offbeat

Maybe I should just try another font?

I checked your public link and didn’t see what you could have done wrong. It’s just not working. I don’t know why…
(ping @cyberdave)

Hi @vincent ok thanks for your time. At the moment I will find another font to use then :smile:

Hey I found something…

You have the 400 weight selected by default but the font is only declared at 700… The 400 isn’t highlited as available in the dropdown.

So can you test to pass it to 700 and check on mobile again?


Nope… I tested it with this page with no better results on mobile http://sab.webflow.com/font-test

edit : added some more fonts to the test and Impact is the only one bugging.

Impact makes perfect sense for your design, you should try another font of the same look. Something like Passion One Font Free by Fontstage » Font Squirrel

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Thank you so much for your time @vincent Yeah will try that font for sure. Looks awesome aswell