Designer – Odd Bugs

I’m currently getting some strange bugs in the designer. I’ve tried exiting and reloading multiple times. The consistent bug is that when I go to set the left padding for any element, 75 px are automatically added to the bottom and right padding. These setting appear gray, not blue. This occurs whether the element has a class or is currently classless. It occurs when I make a new page with an unmodified body (or one given a new unaltered test class) and add an un-classed div in the body section. It does not occur when I edit the margin of body element.

Other glitches are things like settings reverting or appearing from nowhere, or taking some time before they appear in the designer and preview.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

This is really making the designer incredible frustrating to use. Setting I create revert randomly.

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