Designer Loads to an Empty Page when any items are clicked on

Ok so I have been having this problem for the past 2 days. Anything I click on the designer loads this page and never allows me to work on my projects. I’ve had this happen before but It would fix itself pretty quickly. But this is been happening every time I have gone to work on my personal website.

Someone help? or fix it? SOS?

Hey @Colby_R,

Thanks for posting this, this definitely sounds like odd behavior. Can you send me the site Read-Only links please?

Next time this happens could you please take a screenshot of your Console and send it to me: Chrome DevTools - Chrome Developers
Additionally, could you let me know what browser version you’re using by sending me your information from this page? There should be a small share link when you visit the page which you can send to me.

Thanks in advance!
– Dustan


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