Designer Interface Desktop resizing handles have disappeared

The Designer Interface Desktop resizing handles have disappeared overnight, this is obviously a major inconvenience, you can at present, no longer resize the interface to see how the desktop design responds on smaller desktop sizes.

The blue line that normally appears down the righthand side always was temperamental, sometimes very hard to grab, now it has disappeared all together.

No site links included, this is a bug on all sites, in both chrome and safari.

Thanks Graham

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Hi @allthingsGJD

Oh yeah?! S’gone! Not sure if it’s a bug or not, but you can still resize the entire browser down to the tablet breakpoint as a workaround for now. If you use full screen then this isn’t ideal of course.

@brando is this a bug, or a feature that’s been removed?

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Hi Mark,

Surely it cannot be a removed feature, the interface is borderline unusable without it, I am constantly having to publish the draft design just to test out responsiveness, it is a nightmare.

The resize handles are still present in the other device views just missing on the desktop view.

Thanks Graham

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Hi Graham,

As the handles are there on other breakpoints, I imagine it’s an oversight that’s been missed when a feature has been pushed. These things do unexpectedly happen as the team push out features and can go unnoticed sometimes, which is why it’s great to have a community like this to report them. Some rely on these features more than others.

I’ve pinged Brandon in on the previous post, and @Waldo in on this one too, if you need a quicker response, then it may be worth pinging an email over to support.

You can however still test out responsiveness in the designer by resizing the full browser window without having to publish your draft each time. Not ideal, but workable for now.


The same problem here.


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Yep same issue here, that’s annoying on 21:9 displays.

Could chrome updates + coming webflow updates be the cause. I’ve noticed a few weirdnesses these days.

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HI @allthingsGJD, thanks for your report about the canvas resize handles not showing on Desktop view.

I have reached out to our team to help take a look and to verify the behavior on the canvas resize handles.

In the meantime you can resize Tablet and lower views, the widest canvas size on Tablet is 991px, then all values over 991px is considered desktop (there are no breakpoints for ipad yet at 1024px, it is considered desktop, i…e anything over 991px).

As soon as there is further info, I will let you know.

Thanks in advance,


+1 on this

Any word?

Hi @allthingsGJD, @magicmark, @PeterDimitrov, @ColibriMedia and @Cricitem, I have an update, the resizing of desktop still works, however to resize the Desktop view,the viewport is currently dragged from the left side, take a peek at this quick video:

Our team is taking a look at add/restoring handles to the Desktop view port on the right hand side of the viewport, but I cannot give you an exact timeline on this.

I hope this helps, let me know if further questions on that.


Hi Dave, great news, so glad to see the option to resize from the left, I don’t really care about the handles, I just wanted to be able to do instant flow tests without changing my browser size or publishing.

It is amazing how valuable such a simple little feature can be and how much you miss it when it is not there.

Thanks Graham

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Thanks for the info!

Thank you for the update! Much appreciated :smiley:

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It seems that one of the recent updates has broken the ability to grab the right edge of the preview, and drag to resize it. I’ve tried it with multiple sites, and in both Chrome and Safari, and I don’t seem to get the functionality anymore…
Is this happening for other people?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hello @Skyler

You can find the handle on the left side. Happy designing :webflow_heart:


That’s fine, as long as the handle is somewhere…

Hopefully this is a result of work towards adding vertical resizing handles? :wink:


So I am trying to adjust the screen size of my site in desktop view to see when a certain part begins to break but I am unable to for some reason. I can adjust it in tablet and both phone views but not desktop. I have tried refreshing and logging in and out as well as trying it on a slightly smaller monitor. Any suggestions?

You used to drag it from the right for desktop view. Now, you drag it from the left.

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