Dear Webflow: PLEASE Help Address Form Spam!

Hey everyone + Webflow team!

First of all, just wanted to say that I’m SO happy with all the new developments and improvements to the platform lately. It seems like you’re really listening to the community, and we’re grateful for that :)

There is one thing that I see come up in the Webflow community virtually every single day, it’s a problem for most of us.

The level of spam coming through Webflow forms is absolutely insane :exploding_head:

I, along with most other people dealing with this issue, have tried to implement honeypots and various methods to deal with it, but it seems like the inherent problem is Webflow forms itself.

Bots seem to be able to submit our forms somehow from outside of the Webflow site, which means that no matter what we do, the bots can submit the form.

It’s at the point where, for anything even remotely important to your business, Webflow forms are not an option.

I know the usual response has just been to use Formspark or Basin, but I know that for most people, Webflow forms feel like one of the solutions they pay monthly for, and it might be a bit discouraging to have to get a new subscription because the existing one simply isn’t useful.

If there’s anything that can be done about this, I think it would make us all very, very happy!

Thanks Webflow for all that you do for us!! <3


I think you speak for so many people in the community!

I saw so many threads and comments about the SPAM problem (also outside this forum) and I encountered the problem myself on multiple projects.
If Webflow is not already working on it, I think it would be a good moment to tackle this.

Note: I write this because I love Webflow and I want it to get better and better! :heart:

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I agree, this issue’s been outstanding for months and unfortunately makes the native form unusable in some cases. :cry:


I completely agree. Form spam is absolutely crazy, and some of it seems really basic too.

Just the other day one site was targeted and received nearly 300 messages in one day. Absolutely all of it was using the same person name, and contained the same message ‘I want to know your price’ but in multiple languages. We don’t have many sites left on Webflow but it’s the only platform that consistently causes spam headaches.


Hey Julian,

It’s not only the spam issue, before spam came to the forefront the unsubscribe link was already a major issue.

I happened to write a post on this on the weekend, there are some key things I think people are missing in how Webflow is addressing this, and in the bigger picture of building a “moneypipe” to capture leads efficiently.