Customer Project

Hi guys,

I am done designing a project for a client in Adobe XD, and i now want to move to webflow and build it for them.

Problem is: I dont know what to buy and what not to! They currently have their domain and e-mails registered at
→ Normally I would build the project in my own account and then export the code and move to their hosting space. This time though, they need the CMS funtionaility so I cant export, but need to use the webflow hosting!

How would you guys go about this? My pain is that the customer needs the e-mails with his domain name, needs CMS functionility aswell as a working contact formular and I dont want them to overspend.

Should I advise to go with CMS Hosting from webflow for 16/mth? And how does the domain configuring even work… sorry i am a bit overwhelmed!

Thank you so much!

Hi Jan,

Start here →

Short answer: You can spin up hosting on a project by project basis. If you bill the client then you pay, the client pays you. If you want to have the client pay direct, then set up client billing for the project. Pick the plan that meets the site requirements. If you are using the CMS, then you need to choose a CMS plan(s). Note with client billing there is no option for yearly. The price is monthly.

Email needs to be handled by another provider as it’s not a feature in Webflow hosting plans. I have white label mail hosting and lots of servers, so I just rolled my own.

I have used: Google G Suite, Rackspace Mail, Amazon SES, and others. Mail support is a hard thing to do. I would recommend pointing them to a third party solution. DNS hosting by the Domain Registrar they choose is the standard option. High-end DNS services are a better option for high traffic sites since DNS lookup is a factor in overall speed. Cloudflare comes to mind.

PM me if you want more info on how I might be of assistance.

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Thanks a lot! The link really helped me out and its good to know somebody who could fix the mailing issue if it appears!