I’d like to hook up form submissions from Webflow to an external CRM that will store this data. Effectively on our contact us page, the questions will all populate into an external CRM once submitted.
my CRM provider said this is possible in two ways:
You can embed our forms as a simple iframe into your website.
If you wanted to use your own form this would be possible. It’s a very simple POST request to our API server that you would submit with a json object containing the relevant information to create a project.
This can be done by using the form action URL provided to you by your CRM, you can see an example of how this works with Mailchimp here (you’ll just need to tweak it to your CRM service): MailChimp form Integration | Webflow University
You could also do this using an automation service like Zapier or Make - just search for your CRM to see if there’s an integration set up already.
Custom form submissions from Webflow to an external CRM, it can be a bit tricky but definitely doable. I’ve heard that Planfix has some features that could help with this kind of integration, like their API and webhooks. With the right setup, you should be able to capture form submissions from your Webflow site and send them directly to your CRM in a seamless way. Of course, the specifics will depend on your CRM and how it handles incoming data, but it’s worth looking into Advanced project management system capabilities to see if it could work for you.