Current state error in editor

In my editor, I’m not able to see the current state of a nav link. However, when I export the HTML/CSS/JS into my own website, the nav link text shows up as blue, which is unintended.

I’ve looked at examples of how others have fixed this issue, and it seems to originate from fixing the color once the nav link is in a “current” state. However, that isn’t even an option in my editor, so I’m a bit lost.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @jihoon796, Thanks a lot for creating the post about the current state in the editor.

The link you sent is not usable, could you please create and share the read-only link to the site: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Also, could you please send a screenshot of the element in question? And let us know which page the issue is happening?

Thanks in advance

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