Critique my website!

Hello y’all! This is my first website and I was hoping to get some criticism on it. I know something feels off (specifically with styling) and was hoping to find out why and improve. Feel free to leave any advice/suggestions as well :)

The website is suppose to be an improvement to a previous website about a San Francisco based massage parlor
(I’m not in contact with them and I’m only using it as practice)
(Also please don’t contact them)

Original Website:

My version:

hi @Gerardo_Cobian congratulations for your first attempt to create something in WF.

For first project is not bad even I do not see much improvement or difference between these two.

You can take look on other websites for this niche, make some screenshots for inspirations, make some mockups on paper, take some classes to learn basics of design principles and do another version. :vulcan_salute:

Like I said for first project it is not too bad, many years ago my first project in school in pure HTML,CSS was much worst. :sunglasses: