I need to create a status page and a changelog/release notes for a software’s website.
For the status page, I’m wondering if there’s a way to connect it to the system so that updates are pushed automatically or a way to push the updates to the website?
If you want more information and a more convenient way to display it, I’d look into setting up an automation from your source control management system that writes the content into the CMS.
From there you can display it much more conveniently.
If you’re trying to use someone else’s status page, you can likely just IFRAME if
If the status reflects your own SaaS service uptime, than it’s generally tied to a monitoring service and a help-desk console so that the team can indicate when problems have been reported, identified, etc.
Webflow’s is a good example of this;
You can build the design easily in Webflow, but depending on what you want to show ( past incidents log? ), and whether you want automated monitoring to indicate problems it detects, you’d have to weigh the options.
I generally want automated monitoring, so I’d generally use a 3rd party solution. Betterstack looks pretty good.