I want to know best approaches to connect github and webflow in an automated way. Changes made in webflow should be reflected at github when published

I want to know best approaches to connect github and webflow in an automated way. Changes made in webflow should be reflected at github when published.

Search “github” in this forum, you’ll find some possible solutions.
However you need to be more specific about what you’re trying to capture… HTML changes? CSS & JS changes? Image changes? What about 3rd party AJAX feeds integrated into your site?

Some changes you can detect through e.g. the site published webhook, and CMS webhooks, others you’ll need to find other solutions.

Also, I believe the ToS stipulates that you are not to do automated scanning of your hosted site, which means you’ll likely want to reverse proxy it to prevent any unnecessary traffic.

And of course, you would never want to scan a webflow…io site. A few companies have been shut down for that. Check the ToS carefully.