API or webhook on publish for test automation?

I’m looking to use cypress to do test automation on my website with cypress.JS.
I’ve checked documentation and it seems that most API/Webhook are relate to CMS functions.
Is there a way to use in Design editor? so everytime a page layout is changed and I hit the publish/save it will do something in webhook/API?

If that is possible, I will create a pipeline in github that triggers a CI/CD job everytime my page is changed, like a regression test, using a dockerized cypress.js that will test responsiveness, links in different browsers

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Did you ever get an answer or a solution for this?

Hey @danielvianna & @qe_viking yes you can do this.

You’ll need to create a Webflow Webhook on site publish. You give it a destination url (either Github directly, or more realistically Integromat/Zapier which forwards it to Github).

Every site publish will then trigger this (or any) operation you’re asking about.

Here’s a simple, free tool to set up the Webflow Webhook:

Choose the “Webflow Site Published” option from the drop down (after adding your Webflow API Token) and either the Integromat/Zapier or Github url you want to trigger.

That should do it for you.

Can someone here help me with how to configure the webhook to trigger github repositary_dispatch event for every site_publish event?

That’s an excellent solution, thanks @ ChrisDrit. I’ve been having a hard time with API recently, and only forum threads like this one actually help. This testing technology turned out to be more difficult to learn than I expected, but I hope to master it fully in a few months.
I have never thought I would ever work for a company that uses api automation testing tools, but you never know where your life will take you, and it’s important to be ready for everything. Tech jobs are one of the best in terms of salaries now, and I expected that sooner or later, I would have to learn IT.

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