Created a site for a friend, but now want them to have control and pay for their own account

This was a one time deal, and I set up the site in my account.
Neither of us want to do anything professional, just host our own sites with our own accounts in webflow. Is there any way that he can set-up his own personal account and then he can get the site that I made for him?

Yes, since this is done by professionals (to send the site to their clients) you will have to have the Webflow PRO account and therefore can send the project to another user’s dashboard.

So basically yes, but you would need to have a PRO account to do this.

Hope this helps.

OK. Great. Once the site is transferred, can I switch back to a personal account?

OK. GREAT! Once the site is transferred can I switch back to a personal account?

Yeah, so you’ll have to purchase the PRO plan for 1 month and then can switch back to personal after that.

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