I have a blog I’m working on where there are two types of posts: articles and setups. I want to have one blog roll with both setups and articles, but the articles are styled different than the setups.
I’m not sure how to achieve this. I’ve tried using filters, but that only takes out one of the style of posts out of the blog section. I’ve attached my read only link below. Thanks!
You want the look to be different, but the layout can be identical.
Add images and color fields to the categories collection (the one defining article or setup types) and use them to style your CMS post items.
You want the layout to be also different.
Then create a more complex Posts collection, with many more fields, some you’ll use for articles, some you’ll use for setups, some you’ll use for both. Then lay all those fields in the template page and use conditional visibility to hide/show them depending on the type of the post.
Chances are you’ll go for solution #2, as I do for one of my blog (where an item can be either a report, a gallery, a video page or an event), and chances are you’ll regret it down the road because it uses too much fields and you don’t even remember all the subtleties of your own site. It’s worth the ride though, it’s very fun to build and see in action