Content filtering in CMS template pages?

I have a very specific issue and I’m wondering if there’s a simple no-code workaround for it. I work for a company that has multiple blog sites that we recently started merging all into Webflow CMS into a single collection. We did this because many of our stores required duplicate posting across 30 or so Wordpress sites and it had become unmanageable for the content team. I’ve added additional collections for tagging and am using Finsweet Attributes for a filter. Nothing fancy and the filtering is already working. My internal pages are filtered to only show content for that specific location.

My current structure is a main page for the company as a whole that takes all of the CMS content and pages that filter the CMS content based on that individual store’s location. My question is this: If a user is on, say Location A’s page browsing Location A content, is there a way to filter the CMS template page’s content to only show Location A content on the CMS template page when they click on the link to read the post?

Not without code.

There isn’t any mechanic in Webflow to change a page’s content based on how you got there. It’s difficult to understand your use case on this- depending on your goal you could either just duplicate and vary the content for each location, so that your blog posts are strictly location-specific, or you could use code to make minor modifications based on a cookie, referer, or URL param.