Content Editor issues with Navbar

Hi There, I setup a website for a school, and they have been given ‘content editor’ logins to create new blog posts, but when they click on “edit site” then select “blog posts” the navbar covers the top of the editor. Where you have your collections etc. It doesn’t break the functionality. The customer can still add the blog posts, but it doesn’t seem right. Any ideas on what the issue might be?

Thank you,

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Howdy @Aaron_Capture and welcome to the community :wave:

Webflow adds a special class to the html tag that you can use to target the navbar when the Editor tab is open to “fix” any quirks like this.

You could, for example, hide the navbar with something like what I’ve included below added to the Head custom code:

.w-editor .YOUR-NAVBAR-CLASS { display: none; }

Thank you Mike. That worked!

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