Consistent spacing across sections


I’d absolutely love to have consistently spaced divblocks from section to section, can someone please give me some tips on how to do that for my mobile design on my website? Look at the home page mobile design, at the sections below the blue dashed line. They have inconsistent spacing at the tops and bottoms. I figure this is because of the image sizes? Anyhow, I’d love for these sections to be evenly spaced across (without having to change the relative positioning). Some help would be appreciated! Please see share link below.

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If an element is placed into a div (containing element) spacing is usually achieved by adding padding to the top and or bottom. By using consistent padding on containers, one can achieve pleasing visual consistency.

Another approach is to use spacing divs, where the height is defined via a class; placing them where you want. The nice part of spacer divs, with Webflow, you don’t get multiple combo classes and end up with cleaner overall CSS.

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