Color values do not display acurate


Colors don’t accurately display in Webflow. If I enter HEX values they are clearly different from the photoshop original.

Left is Webflow, right Photoshop (color value #92aa7d )

Working in latest version Chrome with Yosemite.


Webflow is actually accurate. Your Photoshop document must be carrying some color profile. See

Yep I think you’re in Adobe RGB. Try “Display”.

Thanks Vincent! You are right.


Color profiles have bummed me all my digital life. I know we should use it for accuracy and stuff, but in the end, no one really knows what he’s doing and we end up having inconsistent rendering of colours when we use profiles. So in the end I always deactivate everything.

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There’s a few colors in there.

EDIT: already answered

Hi there!

I got some problems with colors too. I saved images with “Display” profile and it looks fine on desktop but not on mobile. The color code is #fc3d2e and color picker in webflow shows the same on all images. But please take a look on screenshot from mobile. Could you tell me how to save those images properly to have same color on all devices?
