CMS items not publishing

So, we are trying to build a CMS dependent website and we have a large list. We uploaded our list using a CSV file and we also update through CSV files. I noticed that some items just won’t publish. The system would register them but won’t publish them.
What can be done about this?

Here is my public share link:

Maybe try to enter the selected item that is saved as a draft and then publish

Thank you.
We have considered that but we are looking to find a solution that takes care of it all at once. We will be adding more items to the CMS list later and we don’t want to repeat this manual process every time

You could ‘Stage for publish’ 100 at a time by selecting a whole page of CMS items at once, and then there’s the options of updating all of them in one go.

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Thank you.
We’ll look into that.
Do you have any idea what might have caused this in the first place and how to avoid similar situations moving forward?