Issue with publishing CMS items - They do not show up on published site :(

Hi everbody,

Hope you’re well and productive today :slight_smile:

Posting here because I’m encountering an issue with publishing CMS items, and no amount of research and troubleshooting seems to help, so I’m crossing fingers someone has encountered the same issue.

Long story short, I have a CMS collection with 10 blog posts. The posts are all published, and I’ve created a CMS collection element (limited to 3 items - I’ve turned off the limit and it makes no difference) on my site’s main landing page, which is published here:

And even though in the editor it shows the titles of the individual posts - giving the impression everything is set up correctly - the posts do not show up on the published page, at all. The space remains empty, no matter what I try.

Maybe I’m doing something very wrong, but has anybody else experienced this while publishing their page?

Thank you for any input :)

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi Matthias

You’ve created the CMS list but not connected anything inside of it, so it’s just an empty element.

Paste a text block in the collection item and link it to the collection item name for example.

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Hi, I see the issue now. Thank you, figured it out.

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