CMS Collections and Playlists

I am very new to this and pretty sure I am going at it all wrong. Here is my layout.

I have a CMS Categories set where I have different lectures listed.
For Each lecture category, I have a CMS Materials collection which contains a playlist and a lecture lesson.

I would like the playlist of the materials to have a youtube playlist in there. However, I can’t figure out how to do this. Right now that playlist is a blog post, but don’t think that meets my needs. I have the playlist on a separate page in the project, but am not sure how to link it to the Materials collection. I may be going at this all wrong. Is there a way to link the page that has the playlist to this particular lecture? Thanks for your help!

Categories CMS

Materials CMS

Playlist Page to link to

Hi @Kylie_Howard

Hang in there - once you master the CMS, you will be in data-linking bliss :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you provide your read-only link so we can take a look at the structure more closely?

Have a look at reference fields and multi-reference fields - I think that will help you achieve linking things up.

Thank you! Here is the read only link.

Hi Kylie,

Is there any reason the categories can’t be renamed as lectures, and have the materials within them?

Also if it’s a static page (non-purple) - you can choose to drop in a collection list and pull data from the CMS - that’s how you can add dynamic elements to static pages…

The only reason I have is I don’t really know what I am doing!!

I do have the categories named as lectures. The idea is to click on the lecture then the materials within the lecture are a lesson and a playlist. The lesson is a blog post, but I can’t seem to figure out the playlist part. I have the playlist as a static page and thought that I could link that particular materials element to that static page, but it sounds like I am working in reverse. Are you saying to create a static page that looks like the materials page, but link the playlist to the playlist static page and the blog post to the lesson collection? Hopefully, I didn’t confuse you as much as I confused myself! Appreciate you helping out!