Clarification Needed on Workspace App Installation and Testing in App Development v2

We created a “Workspace App” about two years ago. At that time, anyone could install the app through the OAuth approach, not only sites in our Workspace. Even though it was in our Workspace, other users were still able to install it.

Has this behavior changed with the new “App Development” process? Specifically, for migrating to v2, we need this app to be installable by other users. If this behavior has changed, is it documented? Additionally, how should we conduct tests if we are required to submit the app first?

We would appreciate clarification on these points. Thank you very much.

We have tested to submit the app, but the form those not work. No error. It just does nothing :-) All required fields are filled out, get a lot of console errors. Submit button is “undefined”.

Hi @radan , thanks for your post! Looks like you may have found our docs on how to migrate your App to a v2 App (and using v2 APIs), but just in case, here are some of our migration guide docs outlining this process a bit more:

Could you DM over your Client ID for the new v2 App and I can raise this error you ran into for this form with our team?