Hi all,
So we’ve created an app that we’re ready to release - all appears to be working well, including the installation, on our end.
However, when we submit to the Webflow App Directory team, they hit a 404 error immediately on our app, and we cannot figure out why. Again, when we do this (clear out all previous accounts in our app, remove leftover connections, etc), it works perfectly fine, but when the Webflow team tries, they cannot move to even the next step.
The way our app should work: when you click the Install button, you’re taken to the Webflow Oauth screen where you authorize your site with our app. In the background, we attempt to grab your name and email from your Webflow account so we can prepopulate the registration form on our app to create an account. I imagine this is somehow where their team is getting stuck somehow. For us, the API call to grab these items works perfectly, but for them, it might be failing.
Wondering if anyone would be willing or able to help us test the installation the way the team tests it so that we can nail down what is going on here.
Thanks so much for any insights!