Checkout button missing once published

We are trying to integrate our eCommerce store with paypal however as soon as we activated our hosting - the checkout buttons disappeared. We have logged tickets but no answer yet and we need to launch our charity site tomorrow. If anyone can help us with why our button would have disappeared on enabling hosting that would be fantastic. We added the paypal button so really not sure why it is just not appearing.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Please can someone help here. We gave paypal permisiion to use webflow but still no checkout button.

hi… i´m having the same problem… no checkout buttons from paypal… it´s showing in the designer but not when i add products to cart…wondering if there is something missing on the paypal side?

@olafurwe are in South Africa and our problem in the end was currency based. If you use dollars it works.
Any idea how to set mobile images to be static?

oh thanks… will try and switch to dollars… not sure what you mean by static mobile images? could you explain a bit more for me …

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