Im creating this little page where a user has the possibility to upload a small text. (Stored in a CMS Collection) This text is then displayed in the respective Collection Page. (Overview Page is Echos)
Now the user has to go back one page to get to the item overview page. Is there either a way for the user to directly exchange the item (similar to Designer) or can he jump directly to another CMS page, randomly or controlled?
@Bubble-Media if I’m understanding your questions correctly, yes.
Use a “Collection List” element on your static page. This will display a listing of all the items within your collection. When you click an item, from the Collection List, it’ll take you into the CMS Collection page.
Hey Chris
Thank you, but thats not the issue here.
The question was, when a user is on a Collection Page (from whatever Item) is it possible for him to jump to another Collection Page withouth going back to the Collection List.