For some reason the hamburger menu on just the landing page of my site does not work at the mobile level. When you first land on the page and click the menu icon nothing happens. However, if you scroll down a bit from the top of the page (the navigation is fixed) there are no problems.
I don’t see this issue on any of my other pages. I do have some interactions on this particular nav bar at the desktop level, where the nav menu appears when you scroll a certain amount down. I feel like that may related to the cause but still can’t figure out a fix. Any thoughts?
I removed the legacy animation on LANDING and it works for me.
Edit: also disabled animation on NavMenu2
the mobile navbar is being hidden by the animation off screen (floating nav initial appearance). on the desktop it slides into view on scroll. Since you don’t need a button to show the menu, this works. You must press the button on the mobile navbar to show the menu, but the animations overrides the position. Once you scroll down, the menu is moved into view (still off screen), so the button works as intended?