Hi, I want to copy the look/feel of this page to use for a different section, but I am unsure how to copy a collection page. I want to make a CMS but not for roles - for something entirely different, but keep this look/feel and the process of filling out these fields.
You can have two separate browser windows open and then copy+paste the page elements. Then disconnect all of the cms collection list sources and reconnect to your new sources.
Webflow doesn’t make it easy actually.
Here’s a trick I use occasionally;
Let’s say your collection page is for a collection named Blog.
On your new page where you want to copy this layout piece, drop a collection list, and bind it to Blog.
Then copy the entire section you want, from your Blog collection page, and then paste them into your new page inside of the collection list. You’ll need to click the Collection item element to CTRL+V paste inside of the collection. Webflow should allow it, because it sees this as the same “context” for the CMS linkages.
Then on your new page, unlink everything in that copied piece.
Once you’re done, you can drag those elements outside of the collection list if it no longer serves a purpose, or else rebind the collection list to something new, if that’s what you’re building on the new page.