Hi, I am currently in the process of building an MVP for my idea which has been tested with the target customers. I wanted to know if I can build the following features in webflow or if I should use other no-code platforms such as bubble/glide. I really do like the webflow platform but please do suggest how tough/easy would it be to accomplish this:
Main Features:
Ability to display over 5000 flashcards with user able to bookmark cards to their dashboards - can this be done in the cms?
Ability to display questions where user can answer and view the correct answer
user sign in and profile
Most of the data is in excel /json format and on the surface it feels the cms pages should be able to do the job, but bookmarking and data fetching is that possible?
WF currently has no membership feature, you don’t have access to a DB to store user data and privatize parts of a cms collection. There are third-parties that can provide that, not native in WF though!
You can connect WF with GSheets and json but the logic is completely on you! Also you only can access the client’s side, no backend to fiddle with!
WF’s contribution will be mainly with creating the layouts.
BTW here’s a really nice dashboard (clonable) but it’s only using cms collections, no external assets
Thanks. I think you forgot to share the link. Also probably a dumb question, but I read somewhere that the cms does not store more than 1000 items? is that per cms collection or total?