Can not delete old styles in Styles Manager

He there,

I’ve created many styles and changing my design about four times. So there are many styles I don’t use. Normally, you click ‘Clean All’ and they would go away.

But somehow, my old styles just stay there. It’s very annoying because it isn’t clean (OCD :))

Does anyone have this same problem?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


Ben here with the Webflow Customer Support Team!

Thanks so much for reporting this issue. Our team recently pushed out a fix that should address this.

Your preview link wasn’t working for me, so I couldn’t check to see if this was fixed for your project. Can you share an updated read-only link so I can investigate?

Also, can you check and see if it’s fixed in your project? :webflow_heart:

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